The Student Scientific Spring 2019 Conference

On April 23, 2019, the Student Scientific Spring 2019 Conference within the the Education and Rehabilitation Technologies Section (GUIMC) was held in Aud. 423.

In the section were presented the following reports:

Report Name Student Name Study Group Науч. руководитель
1 A multi-faceted world of scouting. Visualization of theoretical material for GUIMC students Danil Zarubin RK9C-41b Muravyov Konstantin Alexandrovich, Senior Lecturer, Department of RK-1
Elizaveta Zhavoronkova MT8-41b
2 Universal mechanical gripper Olivia Simanovich UC1-22b Melkumyan Ovsep Grigorievich, Senior Lecturer, Department of RK-1
3 Abrasive tools with programmable worktop topography Valeriy Anestiady MT4C-41b Alexey Vladislavovich Shchedrin, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of MT-13
4 Machine graphics algorithms Igor Karpov UC1-21b Olga Yurievna Zaitseva, Lecturer, Department of RK-1
5 Hearing aid technologies Evgeniy Pankov IU5C-102b Oleg Olegovich Varlamov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor of IU-5, director of NII MIVAR
Yulia Alimova IU5C-102b
6 CAD systems. Purpose, history of development, review of existing systems Danil Zarubin RK9C-41b Krikun Vyacheslav Mikhailovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Deputy Director of GUIMTC
7 Smart home automation Krestina Zvyagintseva RK9C-41b Krikun Vyacheslav Mikhailovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Deputy Director of GUIMTC

All participants of the Conference will be awarded commemorative diplomas of the laureates of the Conference.

The Expert Jury consisting of two Deputy Directors of GUIMC—Krikun Vyacheslav Mikhailovich and Mozgovoy Mikhail Vladimirovich—chose three best works of the section, which are recommended for publication in the Collection of the best works of the Conference:

The work of Danil Zarubin and Elizaveta Zhavoronkova.
The work of Olivia Simonovich.
The work of Evgeny Pankov and Yulia Alimova.


