“Undestand Me” Camp Leave

From 13 to 15 March, a student leave “Understand me” took place in the Baumanets Campus near Stupino in Moscow region. The trip was organized by the activists of the GUIMC with the help of the Student Council of BMSTU.

The participants of the trip were students from different faculties. Over the weekend, they rallied into teams, performed on stage, attended various master classes, took a rope course, took part in a photo quest and much more!

All participants were divided into 5 teams led by curators, GUIMC students:

Fominsky Georgy;
Donchenko Maria;
Tumakova Ekaterina;
Yarovenko Maxim;
Dyuzheva Stepan.

In addition to the curators, the departure organizing committee included:

Andrey Mitichev (departure technical support);
Gusev Sergey (photographer);
Galeeva Yana (MC);
sign language interpreters GUIMTs – Bardakova T.V., Kosyan T.V., Sharafanenko D.V .;
employees of the GUIMC – M.V. Mozgovoy, O. A. Soloviev, D. A. Solodilova, A. V. Kozlovsky.

We thank all the participants and the organizing committee for organizing an interesting event!

