Visit to “Istok Audio Trading” enterprise

On October 24, 2018, first-year students of GUIMTS visited the leading enterprise of the rehabilitation industry in Russia, Istok Audio Trading (Fryazino, Moscow Region) within their study training. The mission of “Istok Audio Trading” is to provide people with disabilities with modern technical means of rehabilitation in order to improve their quality of life and adaptation in society.

At the beginning of the visit, the specialists of the enterprise held small lectures on the areas of student training: on the quality system at work, on software development, and on personal hearing protection. Then a professional acquaintance with the production areas took place: assembling of rehabilitation equipment, ear and ear hearing aids, production of ear inserts, customer service, quality control, as well as departments for developing new hardware and software.

Students asked a lot of questions about the products and technological features of its production and also participated in the demonstration of some samples.

Everyone was a little tired in the end, but all were pleased with the first acquaintance with the future profession in high-tech production site.

